Server - caching


Caching settings reduce the load on the server quite a lot.
Here you can configure the cache refresh rate for the main page, list pages (categories), content pages, tag and SQL query caching time.
The search results cache refresh rate is also configurable.
You can customize the types of caching. Available:
- System option for caching files. Works on all servers.
- Memcache - reduces database load in dynamic web applications.
- Xcache - speeds up PHP processing. It is often found on shared hosting.
- eAccelerator - page load gas pedal. On shared hosting is almost never found.
- Shmop - shared memory management. It is often found on shared hosts.
- APC (Alternative PHP Cache) - caches and optimizes PHP code. On shared hosting is almost never seen.
- Redis - high-performance non-relational distributed data storage. It is often found on shared hosting.
- WinCache - page load gas pedal. It is almost never found on shared hosting.
It is recommended to use system file cache.
When switching to other types of caching check the availability of the selected type of caching.
That is, whether the selected application is installed on your server.
All caching types except Memcache do not require customization. You configure the application when you install it on the server.
Configuring template cache auto-update.
Gzip compression - enable/disable.
Additional settings in the same section
Page navigation - two types.
Convert contact data to images (anti-spam) - enable/disable.
Autosave drafts in the editor - three options (news and FAQ sections use visual editor).
Limitation of search input (number of characters).
Limit between searches (in seconds).
Time of displaying user online (in seconds).
Frequency of updating notifications to users - private messages.
Amount of information before page transition (for all sections with page transition).
Default agreement acceptance checkbox - if No is checked, users will need to check the box to accept agreements themselves.
It is used during registration and the third step of the application process.


You can order the program only from your personal cabinet. After Registration go to the tab Order.

The balance is topped up from your personal cabinet. After Registration go to the tab Finance - Top up. Choose a payment system that is convenient for you and top up your balance by following the instructions.

Immediately after ordering and payment the manager starts processing your order. Order processing takes some time (from 20 minutes to 2 hours). You will receive a notification and all necessary data on the system private messages.

The source codes of the exchanger module are 100% open (not related to the program core).
The program core files are partially encrypted (licence check).
The source codes of the payment system processing APIs are 100% open.

Of course we take individual orders.
Describe your wishes in detail in the TOR (Terms of Reference).
The cost of work is determined based on your TOR.
The cost of work is negotiable. We will discuss and agree.
Any questions of individual orders contact any our contact details.

Limited licence - 1 copy for 1 domain or subdomain.
The licence domain can be changed at any time in your personal cabinet for an additional fee.
A second licence for another domain or subdomain can be purchased for 50% of the software price on the day of order.

We recommend hosting:
