
Any payment system can be disabled and enabled at any time.
You can sort payment systems (change the order of their output on the site).
Detailed description of the settings of each payment system is described in the administrators documentation.
Payment system name - the name of the payment system displayed on the site.
The name can be highlighted in any color.
System type (only for added payments)
- Electronic currency - standard set of fields.
- Bank - the Account number field is displayed as a large text field and 2 fields First name and Last name are added at the second step of the application process. 
- Bank card - 2 fields First name and Last name are added at the second step of request processing.
- Exchange - the field of coupon entry is added at the 3rd step. Another algorithm of order registration and processing.
Currency name - the name of the payment currency displayed on the site.
You can enter any name in this field. It is important to make it clear to your clients.
System code - the system code for the monitoring file. If the code is not specified, this payment will not be displayed in the monitoring file.
Identifier - unique identifier of the payment in Latin.
System currency - for added systems you should choose the currency from the dro-down list.
API - directory containing files of payment system processing.
Category in the filter - in which category of the currency filter this payment system will be displayed. If you do not selec a category, it will be displayed only in the "All" category. The option is displayed only when the "Currency filters" field in the module settings is filled in.
Exchange types - active exchange types. For added systems only Operator processing, if there are no processing files. For system payments there are possible choices.
Card verification for invoice - Check if the card specified by the user is verified. only for system type "Bank Card" and exchange type "Invoice".
Min. invoice amount - The minimum allowable amount for billing. only for the "Billing" exchange type.
Max. invoice amount - the maximum allowed amount for billing. only for the "Invoicing" exchange type.
Icon - you can select an icon for this payment.
Payment in a new window - opens the 4th step of the exchange in a new tab, if enabled. Step 4 - goes to merchant or other payment types. The original tab goes to the exchange status page.
Stock - currency stock. For the Automatic type the stock on accounts (wallets) is checked.
Stock check (using API of payment systems) is performed at the pre-request before payment to make sure that there are enough funds on admin accounts and the transaction will be successful.
If the stock is not enough, a notification will be displayed: Insufficient funds in admin account.
After the transaction is completed, the stock will be changed.
The stock of incoming currency will also change, if the option: Automatic replenishment of incoming currency stock is enabled in the settings.
Auto receipt of stock - automatic receipt of currency stock on accounts/wallets. 
The API of payment systems is used. The option is disabled.
Incoming systems commission - payment systems commission for the currency with which the user changes.
Incoming to the admin account. For example, Webmoney system commission 0.8% of the payment amount.
Outgoing systems commission - for the currency to which the user changes. Outgoing from the admin account.
Minimum commission - the minimum commission of the system. In case the system has a minimum commission.
Maximum commission - maximum commission of the system. In case the system has a limit of maximum commission.
On the example of Webmoney system: WMZ not more than 50, WMR not more than 1500, etc.
Minimum amount of exchange (incoming) - less than the entered amount, it is impossible to execute an application if the payment system is incoming (exchange from it).
Maximum exchange amount (incoming) - more than the entered amount, the application cannot be processed if the payment system is incoming (exchange from it).
Minimum exchange amount (outgoing) - less than the entered amount, the application cannot be processed if the payment system is outgoing (exchange to it).
Maximum exchange amount (outgoing) - more than the entered amount, the application cannot be processed if the payment system is outgoing (exchange to it).
Tooltip for filling in the account/wallet field - displayed at the second step of order processing for the account or wallet field.
Regular expression - regular expression of correctness of filling in the account/wallet field.
Empty field = not checked.
Transaction activity term (Automatic, Semi-automatic) - transaction activity term in minutes for the types: Automatic and Semi-automatic. Do not use the option, enter 0
The user must complete the transaction within the allotted time.
When the time limit expires, the message Your exchange request has been canceled will be displayed. The time limit has expired and the exchange cannot be carried out.
The option can be disabled.
Request activity term (Operator processing) - the term of payment of the request in minutes for the type: Operator processing.
The user must pay the request within the allotted time.
The option is disabled.
Text for the Operator processing type - will be shown to the user at the 3rd step of the exchange instead of redirecting to the payment system.
Information for the user should be entered in this field. His further actions and details for payment.
For hints you can use texts on the direction.
Note - output of the Note field on the second step of the request registration.
It can be turned off, turned on and turned on as mandatory.
Check card verification - card verification will be checked if all three settings are enabled: this setting, the setting in the directions options and the setting in user groups.
Check balance on step 3 of exchange - only for automatic exchanges. If enabled - checks the balance of the administrators account before placing the request. Change to semi-automatic - if the balance is not enough for automatic payment, the exchange type will be changed to semi-automatic.
Output the "Account" field - output the Account/Wallet/Address/Card field, regardless of the fields in the API. Disabling it may break the API if this field is mandatory.
Account" field name - change the name of the "Account" field. If not filled in - output the standard value from the API settings or depending on the system type.
Output name fields - output first and last name fields, regardless of the type of payment system. Disabling this option may disrupt API operation if these fields are mandatory.
Status - status of the payment. Active or disabled.


You can order the program only from your personal cabinet. After Registration go to the tab Order.

The balance is topped up from your personal cabinet. After Registration go to the tab Finance - Top up. Choose a payment system that is convenient for you and top up your balance by following the instructions.

Immediately after ordering and payment the manager starts processing your order. Order processing takes some time (from 20 minutes to 2 hours). You will receive a notification and all necessary data on the system private messages.

The source codes of the exchanger module are 100% open (not related to the program core).
The program core files are partially encrypted (licence check).
The source codes of the payment system processing APIs are 100% open.

Of course we take individual orders.
Describe your wishes in detail in the TOR (Terms of Reference).
The cost of work is determined based on your TOR.
The cost of work is negotiable. We will discuss and agree.
Any questions of individual orders contact any our contact details.

Limited licence - 1 copy for 1 domain or subdomain.
The licence domain can be changed at any time in your personal cabinet for an additional fee.
A second licence for another domain or subdomain can be purchased for 50% of the software price on the day of order.

We recommend hosting:
