
Automatic exchange does not require any additional intervention.
Funds are received and sent automatically.
Exchange types: Operator Processing and Semi-automatic require operator intervention to process the request.
CSV export by seleced parameters is available.
Exchange Completion
Funds have been received but not sent. It is necessary to process the request.
Possible actions:
- check if the funds have been received on the request by logging into your payment account or internet bank.
- If the funds have been received in full, then PAYOUT THE APPLICATION MANUALLY FROM THE PAYMENT ACCOUNT OR INTERNET BANK and then finalize the transaction by clicking on the Finalize icon in the list of transactions or on the Finalize button when viewing the transaction in detail.
You can enter a notification that will be sent to the user.
The system will change the status of the transaction to Exchange completed and send an email to the user about the exchange completion.
Cancel Exchange
Funds have NOT been received or not received in full. It is necessary to process the request.
In this case you should act at your own discretion. According to statistics, such empty requests average 30% of all transactions.
You can delete the transaction or cancel it by clicking on the Cancel icon in the list of transactions or on the Cancel button when viewing the transaction in detail.
Here you can also enter the reason for canceling the exchange.
The system will change the transaction status to Canceled and send a letter to the user about canceling the exchange.
Sended letters
To the user about request processing. Exchange type - operator processing (letter to the entered E-mail).
To the user about receiving funds on the request. Exchange type - operator processing (letter to the entered E-mail).
To the user about exchange completion (letter to the entered E-mail).
To the user about canceling the exchange (letter to the entered E-mail).
To a partner about crediting of funds (private message).
To admin about completion of auto-exchange (a letter to the system E-mail).
To admin about exchange request. Exchange type - semi-automatic (a letter to the system E-mail).
To admin about exchange request. Exchange type - operator processing (letter to system E-mail).
To admin (funds on request may have been received). Exchange type - operator processing (letter to system E-mail).
To admin about exchange error (letter to system E-mail).
Sended SMS
CMS sending option must be enabled and configured.
Sending SMS to the entered mobile number.
Auto-exchange - SMS about exchange completion.
Semi-automatic - SMS about receipt of funds.
Operator processing - SMS about request.
Exchange error - SMS about exchange error.
SMS sent to users
SMS to the user on completion of exchange on request (Operator processing and Semi-automatic).
Sent only in case of:
The exchange is completed in manual mode.
Users cell phone is identified.
The user has agreed to pay for the SMS.
It is possible to charge users for SMS or not. The option is customizable.
Completed - the exchange is complete. Funds have been received and sent.
Pending processing - funds have not been received and sent. Operator processing
Funds received, pending disbursement - funds may have been received (user has submitted a request, but verification is required) and not sent. Operator processing
Pending funds transfer or operator processing - funds have been received (manager has processed the request and sent a notification to the user) and are waiting to be sent. Operator processing
Funds received - funds have been received but not sent. Semi-automatic exchange.
Exchange is performed - the exchange is in process or the pre-request of the payment system gave an error.
For example, for Webmoney payment, if payment will be made to the purse of the 3rd person, which is prohibited by the rules of WMT system.


You can order the program only from your personal cabinet. After Registration go to the tab Order.

The balance is topped up from your personal cabinet. After Registration go to the tab Finance - Top up. Choose a payment system that is convenient for you and top up your balance by following the instructions.

Immediately after ordering and payment the manager starts processing your order. Order processing takes some time (from 20 minutes to 2 hours). You will receive a notification and all necessary data on the system private messages.

The source codes of the exchanger module are 100% open (not related to the program core).
The program core files are partially encrypted (licence check).
The source codes of the payment system processing APIs are 100% open.

Of course we take individual orders.
Describe your wishes in detail in the TOR (Terms of Reference).
The cost of work is determined based on your TOR.
The cost of work is negotiable. We will discuss and agree.
Any questions of individual orders contact any our contact details.

Limited licence - 1 copy for 1 domain or subdomain.
The licence domain can be changed at any time in your personal cabinet for an additional fee.
A second licence for another domain or subdomain can be purchased for 50% of the software price on the day of order.

We recommend hosting:
