You can order the program only from your personal cabinet. After Registration go to the tab Order.
Auto-trading is a function of automatic trading on the cryptocurrency exchange.
The function allows you to store funds in one cryptocurrency and conduct exchanges in other currencies without havin a balance in these currencies.
Available operations: selling and buying.
Available exchange APIs: Binance and WhiteBit.
Additional APIs and functionality will be added and finalized in the next updates. Please leave your requests in tech support tickets.
2) Added api: Billline, Mine.
3) Added sources: Cryptonex, OKX.
4) WhiteBit api is improved:
b) Address generation for bitcoin_whitebit API is switched to endpoint create-new-address. Endpoint accivation via WhiteBit tech support is required.
5) Updated chat widgets.
6) Added min/max amounts for outgoing currency in destinations settings.
7) Added min/max amounts for incoming and outgoing currencies in payment systems settings (priority in direction settings).
8) Added output of the amount of exchanges and active discounts of the user on the main page of the user panel.
9) Added additional tags for texts in the settings of directions.
10) Adjustments of competitors rates:
b) Improved course comparison. Now updates "inverted" courses as well.
c) Improved payment system detection (bug with Bitcoin LN).
11) PHP 8.1 support:
b) If after switching to PHP 8.1 you stopped receiving emails, change the setting: Settings - Configuration - Mail - Separator (line feed) - CRLF.