Of course we do and technical support is not limited by terms.
We consider problems that have arisen during the operation of the product.
General issues of installation and configuration of the product on the server.
General questions of technical nature.
You can see the full technical support regulations on the My Support Requests page.
We do not provide support if you are using an out-of-date version of the software.
Updates are free. Install the current version, then ask for help.
Yes, the source codes of the program core can be bought out.
At the moment the cost of the source codes is 4500 USD (excluding the cost of the licence).
Source codes are purchased once for all your licences (domains).
Buying the source codes does NOT remove the licence check and the software is still limited to the domains for which you have purchased a licence.
The second licence for another domain or subdomain is purchased for 50% of the software price on the day of ordering.
Buying the second licence is no different from buying the first one.
The software itself will determine if you have any purchases and set the price of the second licence.
Of course we will help you and advise you what is optimal to use and why.
We will register a domain in your name if necessary.
We will order a hosting plan for your data.
We will solve all technical issues.
But we do not solve your business issues.
You must have your own clear business plan for the development of your project.
Resale is strictly forbidden.
If you do sell the program, you will be responsible for development and support.
If resale of your purchases is detected (customers have a 50% discount on the purchase of second and subsequent licences), you will be immediately disable the ability to create requests for technical support.
This is the minimum restriction in case of breach of the licence agreement.
There are several options to get the update:
1) Go to your admin panel and on the home page, after checking your software version, you will see a link to download the update and to the new documentation.
2) Go to your user panel on our website, go to the Finance - My Domains page and at the bottom of the page you will see links to download the latest updates and to the current documentation.
3) Contact tech support, you will be given an update archive with instructions.
If you cant or dont want to install the updates yourself, please inform a member of technical support:
- FTP access data.
Our employee will install the update for you free of charge.
If after the update you need any actions in the admin area, a support employee will inform you about it.
The longer you ignore installing updates, the harder it is for a support person to help you upgrade to the current version.
We publish information in the news when updates are released and every customer receives a newsletter when an update and/or patch is released.
We do not retain outdated update archives. Maximum of 3 updates.
You will be given free update archives and you install them by yourself.
Installation of outdated versions by our employee is a paid service: 30 USD for each update.
The current version is 9.5. You are using version 9.1.
You will pay 30 USD for installation of version 9.2 update by our employee.
Update on time. You will save money and we will save time.
For your information:
1) You will not be able to install the next update if you ignore the previous one.
There is a version check in the updater.
Reason: there may be files in the archives of previous updates that were not included in the next update.
The files may contain functions, the lack of which will cause the programme to fail.
2) The update archives of subsequent versions do not contain the update files of previous versions.
This would make it extremely difficult to install the update to customers with their own design and/or custom modifications.
We do not and cannot have archives of clients sites.
All files and base are kept by the client.
We can only offer installation from scratch.
Please contact technical support.
You will be given a distribution of the software of the current version.
Re-install the software by yourself.
Re-installation of the software by our employee is paid.
The cost is 50 USD.
We dont have designers on staff. We dont design or layout.
But we can integrate ready-made layout.
We need to see your ready layout beforehand. All pages in HTML format.
If some page will not be in the layout, it will not be integrated.
Bootstrap styles must be used in the layout.
Integration cost from 350 USD and more, depending on the complexity.
If your layout involves changes in the programme code, the cost will increase significantly.
The layout that involves a complete change of the programme algorithm is not accepted.
In this case, first order individual modification of the programme for your needs.
We integrate only frontend design.
We do not change the design of memberka and admin area.
Further support
When updates are released, we update your design files, if the update affects the template files.
The cost is negotiable, depending on the changes in the update.
Approximately 20~40 USD. Payable each time if the update affects the template files.
We do not take and will not consider the layout if the clients site is not filled with all content.
based on our experience, at the initial stage of work, some clients do not realise that they have some sections on their website.
Structure limitations
In our software there is a step-by-step structure for making requests.
Step 1 - choosing a referral.
Step 2 - calculator, filling in the fields.
Step 3 - verification.
Step 4 - finalise the exchange.
We will not take on integration with another structure.
Anything that meets security requirements and works reliably.
The programme does not have any special requirements for operation.
System requirements here.
Check file for AEO here.
Any professional and competently configured hosting will do.
We recommend:
Beget - Russian hosting
Hostinger - European hosting
You will receive bonuses when you pay for hosting using our links.